13 Career Mistakes You're (Likely) Making Right Now

These small changes will save you from career trouble.

13 Career Mistakes You're (Likely) Making Right Now

No matter where we are in our career journeys, there are always things we could be doing better. Today, we're going to highlight thirteen of the most common pitfalls people make, and what to do instead.

Not Asking For Raises Regularly

Many workers make the critical career mistake of not asking for raises regularly. A Careerbuilder survey revealed that a staggering 56% of employees have never broached this topic. And female professionals are notably less likely to ask for a pay raise compared to their male counterparts.

Breaking through these societal norms and workplace challenges plays an essential role in your career advancement and overall job satisfaction. Overcoming the fear of requesting regular pay raises should be on every professional's path towards achieving more significant career aspirations.

Staying Too Long at a Job You Hate

Staying too long at a job you despise can stunt your professional growth, creating career stagnation. This long-term job dissatisfaction often limits your advancement opportunities and leads to overall job unhappiness.

Despite the common belief that job hopping is harmful, lingering in one position for an extended period without any progress can be equally damaging to your career trajectory.

Opting Out of Additional Education

Continuing education is not merely a choice but an essential part of career advancement. In today's rapidly changing work environment, gaining new skills or upgrading existing ones can dramatically boost your competitiveness and marketability.

Falling behind in knowledge and technology has proven as a major career mistake that can hinder your growth. Whether it be improving proficiency in software relevant to your field or acquiring entirely new certifications for emerging technologies - wading through these waters promises a significant edge over others who choose not to participate.

Forgetting to Update Your Resume Every 3 Months

Many professionals overlook the importance of a timely resume update. This practice not only keeps your information current but also serves as an invaluable reminder of your skills, achievements, and career trajectory.

Your resume should deliver genuine insights into your professional journey so far. A clean layout adds to its readability while showcasing elements that mirror an organized approach toward work.

Not Actively Networking

One of the biggest career mistakes you could be making right now is not actively networking, both in person and on LinkedIn. Networking plays a crucial role in expanding your professional circle, gaining new opportunities, and staying connected within your industry.

Failing to engage in effective networking strategies can limit your career growth and hinder your ability to discover new prospects.

Actively engage with others by joining relevant groups, participating in discussions, sharing valuable content, and reaching out to connect with people who can help advance your career.

Burning Bridges When You Change Jobs

When transitioning to a new job, it's crucial to maintain professional relationships. While leaving a job on good terms may not always be possible, it is advised not to burn bridges unless absolutely necessary.

It's also essential to address any issues with friends in the workplace and strive for healthy workplace relationships. Remember that burning bridges with everyone can lead to negative consequences for both your personal and professional life.

Ignoring Your Work-Life Balance and Mental Health

It's easy to get caught up in the demands of work, constantly striving for success without taking a step back to assess your overall well-being. Studies show that neglecting your work-life balance not only leads to burnout and decreased job satisfaction but also has a significant impact on your mental health.

To improve your work-life balance, it's important to make time for activities outside of work that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's scheduling regular exercise sessions or socializing with friends, finding ways to unwind is crucial for maintaining good mental health.

Waiting To Invest in a Career Coach

Investing in a career coach may not be at the top of everyone's to-do list, but professional career guidance can provide invaluable support and help individuals make proactive decisions that align with their goals.

A career coach can offer guidance on job search alignment, opportunity-seeking strategies, and even identify common mistakes made by job seekers that you might want to avoid.

Setting Career Goals That Are Too Small

Setting career goals that are too small is a mistake that many workers make without even realizing it. When you limit your ambitions and settle for easily attainable goals, you may feel a sense of accomplishment but fail to reach the larger milestones that truly propel your career forward.

To avoid this common pitfall, it's crucial to recognize the importance of setting ambitious yet realistic goals. Instead of limiting yourself to what feels safe and comfortable, challenge yourself by aiming higher.

By employing the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) framework when setting career goals, you can ensure they are both attainable and effective. This method encourages clarity and focus while providing a roadmap for success.

Never Negotiating Your Salary

One common career mistake that many workers make is never negotiating their salary. This can be due to fear or a lack of confidence in their negotiation skills.

It's important to remember that the initial salary offered may not always reflect your true value and worth in the position. By negotiating, you have the opportunity to increase your starting salary and improve your overall financial situation.

To successfully negotiate your salary, it's essential to come prepared with research and knowledge about industry standards and what professionals at similar positions are earning.

Undervaluing Soft Skills Like Writing and Speaking

Strong communication, both verbal and written, is a crucial skill that professionals need in any industry. It's not just about being able to convey information effectively; it's also about building relationships, collaborating with others, and problem-solving.

These soft skills go hand in hand with technical expertise and can make individuals stand out in their careers.

Building on these abilities will enable you to communicate with clarity across various platforms – whether through emails or presentations – while also fostering better working relationships.

Not Building a Personal Brand You Can Leverage

Your personal brand is what sets you apart from the competition and positions you as an expert in your field.

Establishing a strong personal brand starts with knowing yourself and what you represent. Take the time to identify your values, strengths, and expertise. What makes you unique? Once you have a clear understanding of who you are professionally, focus on developing a personal brand that reflects these qualities.

Consider how you can become the go-to expert in your niche by consistently sharing valuable insights and content related to your field.

Spending What You Should Save for Retirement

One of the biggest career mistakes you might be making right now is spending what you should be saving for retirement. It's easy to fall into the trap of immediate gratification and neglect long-term financial planning, but this can have serious consequences down the line.

Remember, your actions today will impact your financial stability during retirement. By being mindful about setting aside money specifically for your post-work years and avoiding unnecessary spending, you're taking control of your future and ensuring that those golden years truly shine bright.