Polish Your Verbal Skills: A Starter Guide To Speaking Professionally

See how the right words will open the right doors.

professional woman waving her hand

In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is more critical than ever. Whether it's acing that job interview, delivering a compelling presentation, or simply navigating daily conversations quickly and confidently, polished verbal skills can set you apart from the competition.

Our starter guide to help you speak professionally will provide essential tips and techniques to elevate your language proficiency and overall communication prowess.

The Importance Of Speaking Professionally

Speaking professionally is essential for building credibility and confidence, enhancing communication, and advancing your career.

Building Credibility And Confidence

Building credibility and confidence to speak professionally is essential for establishing trust with your audience. It boosts your impact and contributes to personal and professional growth.

For instance, a powerful speech by a business leader can help forge strong connections with clients or employees, indicating their competence and expertise in addressing essential matters.

One must adopt regular practice and active engagement with listeners to enhance credibility and self-confidence in public speaking.

By staying well-prepared for speeches or presentations and understanding the audience's needs, speakers can deliver content that resonates deeply with them.

Enhancing Communication

Enhancing communication is a vital aspect of improving your professional and personal life.

It involves refining various elements of verbal communication, such as articulation, pronunciation, tone of voice, listening comprehension, and the ability to convey thoughts clearly and concisely.

For instance, consider two managers presenting their team's progress to upper management: one struggles with unclear speech patterns and frequently stumbles over words, while the other speaks confidently with precise language.

The latter is far more likely to project credibility and instill confidence in others regarding their abilities. Similarly, good interpersonal skills enable professionals to build peer rapport by fostering open dialogue while minimizing misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

Advancing Your Career

Advancing your career is an essential aspect of professional development, and one major component to achieving that growth is effective communication.

By honing your verbal skills, you increase the likelihood of making a positive impression in job interviews, networking events, and daily conversations with colleagues.

For instance, imagine delivering a well-prepared pitch at a meeting or eloquently addressing concerns during crucial negotiations like asking for a raise - these scenarios demand clarity and conciseness in expressing ideas.

How To Tell if You Have a Career or a Job
The earlier you know, the better off you’ll be.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

To ensure you’re not making the same mistakes repeatedly, identification is the first step toward progress. Mentioned below are commonly made mistakes and tips on how to remedy them.

Poor Communication Skills

To speak professionally involves clear and concise expression of ideas. People often need to correct the mistake of using jargon, complex language, or excessive technical terms that may need to be clarified or alienate their audience.

Therefore, it’s vital to adapt your language to the level of understanding of your listeners and use plain, straightforward language whenever possible.


To speak professionally, staying focused and getting to the point is essential. Rambling or going off on tangents can lead to confusion and a loss of audience interest. Therefore, practice being concise and structuring your thoughts before speaking.

Lack Of Active Listening

Communication is a two-way process, and active listening is a crucial aspect. People often make the mistake of not fully listening to others, interrupting, or formulating their responses before the other person has finished speaking.

When attempting to speak professionally, give your full attention, listen attentively, and allow others to express their thoughts thoroughly before responding.

Overusing Filler Words Or Verbal Tics

Filler words such as "uh," "um," and "like," and verbal tics like "you know," "basically," or "actually" can be distracting and diminish your credibility. In addition, these can also negatively impact how others perceive your level of confidence.

To remedy this problem, practice reducing filler words and tics, and use pauses instead to gather your thoughts or emphasize key points. Indulging in practice to hone your professional speaking skills can start with casual conversations with friends and family.

Lack Of Confidence

Confidence is essential to speak professionally. Develop a confident and assertive speaking style by practicing and focusing on your strengths.

Inappropriate Humor

Jokes or language that may be acceptable in casual settings can be inappropriate or offensive in professional environments. Maintaining professionalism and being aware of cultural and organizational norms regarding humor and language use is essential.

Tips For Improving Verbal Skills

Expand your vocabulary by reading and learning new words regularly. Practice active listening to understand others better and respond thoughtfully.

Expand Your Vocabulary

Expanding your vocabulary is one of the most effective ways to improve your verbal skills. This means learning new words and using them regularly in conversations, presentations, and other communication situations.

To build your vocabulary and speak professionally, read books or articles outside your comfort zone. Keep a dictionary handy to look up unfamiliar words as you encounter them. You can also use online resources such as flashcards or vocabulary-building apps to practice new words daily.

Practice Active Listening

One of the key ways to improve your verbal skills is by practicing active listening. Active listening involves giving full attention to the speaker and providing feedback that shows you have understood what they said.

By actively listening, you show empathy and build better relationships with colleagues, clients, or friends. You also better understand others' perspectives and ideas, leading to better communication and collaboration.

Use Proper Grammar And Pronunciation

Proper grammar and pronunciation are crucial for effectively communicating your thoughts and ideas in any setting. Whether it's a job interview, a presentation, or an everyday conversation, speaking with correct grammar and pronunciation can make all the difference.

To improve your grammar and pronunciation skills, consider enrolling in an English language learning course or practicing with native speakers.

You can also utilize online resources like grammar guides or English language podcasts to supplement your learning.

Remember that practice makes perfect - the more you speak confidently without fear of making mistakes, the better you'll become at articulating yourself clearly and concisely.

Employ Effective Non-Verbal Cues

Nonverbal communication, such as body language and tone of voice, contributes to roughly 90% of all interpersonal communication. Therefore, it's essential to employ effective non-verbal cues when speaking professionally.

For instance, crossing your arms or looking away from the person you're speaking with may signal disinterest or defensiveness.

On the other hand, maintaining good posture and nodding while someone talks shows that you are engaged and interested in what they have to say.


Pacing refers to the speed and rhythm at which we speak. Proper pacing is crucial in professional communication, affecting how well your audience can understand and retain what you say.

One way to pace yourself effectively is by practicing beforehand. Start by timing yourself during practice sessions and adjust until you find a comfortable pace that works for you and your audience.

Additionally, varying pitch and volume can help keep listeners engaged and interested in what you have to say.

In conclusion, paying attention to pacing can significantly improve your verbal communication skills by making complex topics more approachable and ensuring that key points are understood effectively.

Word Choice

The words we choose to express ourselves are crucial in determining how our communication is perceived. Whether verbal or written, selecting the right words can help convey messages more effectively and professionally.

To improve one's word choice, expand your vocabulary by reading books and articles on diverse subjects regularly. You can learn new words from dictionaries, games, online resources, or language classes.

Additionally, using appropriate jargon or industry-specific terms when communicating with colleagues shows an understanding of the subject matter, while avoiding jargon when speaking to someone who doesn't understand it will make you appear more transparent and brighter.

Carefully selecting the right words to fit any situation appropriately ensures efficient communication.

Proper Grammar

Proper grammar is an essential component of speaking professionally. It involves using correct punctuation, sentence structure, and verb tense to convey your message clearly and concisely.

Using proper grammar ensures that others understand you easily, which builds trust and credibility in the workplace.

One tip for improving your grammatical skills is to familiarize yourself with common grammatical errors to avoid them in your speech.

Finally, consider enrolling in online courses or workshops to improve language proficiency and communication skills.

In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is essential for career success. Following the tips outlined in this starter guide to speaking professionally, you can polish your verbal skills and enhance your communication style.

Expand your vocabulary, practice active listening, use proper grammar and pronunciation, and employ effective non-verbal cues. Pacing, word choice, and correct grammar are critical for effective communication.